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Review: The Jesus Lizard at The Orange Peel

Review: The Jesus Lizard at The Orange Peel

With apologies to the songwriting team of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken, and The Jesus Lizard frontman, David Yow, who was on his A-game throughout the band’s Dec. 17 headlining performance at The Orange Peel.

*to the tune of “Gaston” from Beauty and the Beast (1992)*

Damn, it excites me to see you, D. Yow
Playing a room like the Peel
Everyone here'd love to be you, D. Yow
Stage-diving with so much zeal
There's no man in rock as admired as you
You're Gen X and Y’s favorite guy
First act Fantømex was inspired by you
And it's not very hard to see why

No one's sick as D. Yow
No one rips like D. Yow
No one's quick with quips from the lips as D. Yow
For there's no man on tour this on top of his game
Iconic, a pure paragon
In sync with Mac, David William, and Duane
It’s a bill all great acts would just love to be on

No one rakes like D. Yow
Shows his snake like D. Yow
No one smacks himself right in the face like D. Yow
Tonight, the python remained hidden
Did we disappoint you, D. Yow?

Give five “fuck yeahs!"
Give twelve “yip-yips!"
D. Yow is the best
Join us in the mosh pit

No one growls like D. Yow
Needs a towel like D. Yow
Nearly 40 years wrecking the bowel like D. Yow
The ode to your pal Steve Albini
Was touching and earned a loud cheer
This show’s like a wish from a genie
Enhanced by a few cans of beer

No one whips like D. Yow
Gives a shit like D. Yow
In a spitting match nobody spits like D. Yow
He’s especially good at expectorating
*ptooey* Grab a mop for D. Yow!

In the first stage dive, he snatched a burrito
Half-eaten by a true fan
Back on the stage, he smacked that burrito
Into the crowd from the mic stand

No one sings like D. Yow
Is a king like D. Yow
Turns the stage to a wrestling ring like D. Yow
The two encores were highly generous
Man, what a guy: D.Yowwwww

(Photos by Jonny Leather)


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